WhatsApp has rolled out two-step verification after a limited trial.
The security setting stops someone from activating your phone number without your six-digit password.
To turn on the setting, go into your WhatsApp setting, click account, then two-step verification and enable.
You’ll be prompted to add a password and have the option to add a back-up email address, too.
In a blog, WhatsApp warned: “We do not verify this email address to confirm its accuracy. We highly recommend you provide an accurate email address so that you’re not locked out of your account if you forget your passcode.”
To help users remember their passwords, WhatsApp said it will periodically request they are re-entered.
As Mashable’s Karissa Bell notes, the setting can be turned off through the app without a password.
So if your phone is stolen, your account could still be compromised. That’s yet another reason to make sure your device is password protected.
Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/you-should-turn-on-this-new-whatsapp-setting-now/ar-AAmO1G9